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Accouplement – (Coupling)

Pablo Picasso

(1881 - 1973) | Musée national-Picasso-Paris Donated by the Picasso estate, 1979. MP 1103

Date : Boisgeloup, 18 April 1933 | Medium : Graphite and gommages on laid drawing paper

In a style resembling graffiti or perhaps a child’s drawing, Picasso captures on paper our common desire. Why not put the sexual organs on the head and the eyes between the legs, he seems to ask. It is precisely this relationship between woman, sexuality and deformity that many critics have pointed to as evidence of a surrealist period in his work. This series of drawings perfectly illustrates the sentiment of Georges Bataille, a writer and friend of the Surrealists, when he wrote: “What is always at risk in eroticism is a dissolution of its constituent forms.”

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