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Pablo Picasso

(1881 - 1973) | Musée national Picasso-Paris Donated by the Picasso estate, 1979. MP 316

Date : Paris or Boisgeloup, 1935 | Medium : Ladle, rakes, wood, string and nails

The various items used to create this expressive human figure are still identifiable in the finished piece. Picasso was one of the first modern artists to use everyday objects in his art. While he had already experimented with this approach in his Cubist collages and constructed sculptures, Picasso was inspired to return to the technique through his association with the Surrealists. It would become one of the hallmarks of Surrealism. The use of everyday objects to create art is at its most unexpected and audacious when these items are used to represent the human form, a recurrent subject matter in art since the Renaissance.


© Succession Picasso  2017
Localisation : Paris, musée Picasso
Photo © RMN-Grand Palais (musée Picasso de Paris) / Adrien Didierjean / Mathieu Rabeau





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